Sabtu, 27 November 2010
"that you will never fall in love"
Minggu, 07 November 2010
rain. flood. whatever you call it
an Aquarian is emotional, the home will be all important and since they stress themselves to such an extent that they can become weak and may need rest, loads of space and freedom from everyone can help them to bounce back. The best way to keep Aquarians relaxed is to make sure they have something to do.
ga pernah ngerasa emosional, malah dulu selalu ngerasa emotionless. sekarang apa2 dibawa emosional. gampang banget ujan ya allah........
kayanya saking ga pernah stresnya, sekalinya ditumpuk, padal sepele sih ga sebanding sama stres orang2, lgsg breakdown aja. duh ini nih sekarang campuran adadeh-ini ada temen deket gue sendiri kok annoying ya bbm mulu blg bosen kalo ga dibales ngambek-terus invalid buat kelompok-terus stres sendiri di kamar- terus jjong nangis di taiwan kasian bgt- terus pgn plg ke jakarta- terus kangen rumah- terus ga pgn kos- terus bsk suruh dateng lebih awal.
sumpah ya forever young i wanna be forever young.........................................