Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


I know it's gonna be a bad birthday

I just know

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011


setengah jam lagi papa's birthday berartiiiiiii.............. apa?????????? yessss seminggu lagi menuju ulang tahunkyuuuuuu

apasih kok seneng bgt mau ulangtaun. soalnya akhir2 ini merasa kurang dicintai (lol). kalo ulangtaun kan merasa dicintai gitu. sama tes sih orang2 peduli apa ga apa sekedar ganti display name aja (huhuhuhuhuhuhu).

ulang taun pengen apa ya? sumpah gatau pengen apa. pengen lee taemin. pengen merasa dicintai gituu (this is not a kesepian post). pengen dikasih kado yg memorable. i wanna feel the l.o.vvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee

-khas bgt ya lg liburan sering ngepost. tanda2 orang kurker lololol toooooooodles loveee!

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


after backtracking this blog, Y i only wrote bad things here? may be because all the good things was shared before. idek maybe i should make a new one, 4shared happiness



all things don't seems right suddenly

first, college. i'd really love to leave that thing and live happily ever after at jakarta

second, my birthday. where to spend it is a big deal for me. fvck jaket himpunan i'm sorry i don't care about you. i only care about my 19th that i want to spend it here, at jakarta. no matter how lovable bandung is

third, i'm about to correcting my statement. the one that i really sorry for people who don't know who their bestfriend are, or don't they have one. surprise surprise, i'm feeling that now 0_O it's so human after all

to all of youuuu I want to randomly say I love you guys. all of you. just to make this feel better

toodles, annyeongi gaseo

PS: wildan said i look like her. yes, Giuliana Rancic. LOL???? did he spent too much time watching E! news?

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

this is a mati gaya post

bisa ga sih hobi berubah? masa tiba2 gue baru sadar gue udah ga suka baca. baca buku maksudnya. komik juga sih, kalo dulu baca komik bisa sejam karena ngulang2+dilambat2in. sekarang kaya "aduh apa aja deh". majalah? sebulan bisa beli 3 tapi gada yg dibaca sampe tuntas. oh iya! sama udah lurang suka nonton film. dulu sehari bisa nonton 3 dvd. plis dong pengen punya hobi baru, selain nonton tv sama main laptop karena itu bukan hobi. jadi bingung ntar kalo ada kolom hobi mesti isi apa. dengerin lagu? cuma lagu itu2 aja yg gue denger, banyak yg udh didownload ga didenger. dengernya cuma 1 lagu diulang2.

this is a mati gaya post

pliiiiis bring back the msn and plurk era............ berguna bgt disaat liburan gini. harusnya sekarang nulis artikel buat iseng2 tapi.........hnghhh males. mana ini lagi buffering video lamaaaaaaaaaa bgt. beli journal baru belom diisi padal udh punya banyak plan isinya.

pengen deh masa2 orgi jaman sd. eeeh isi biodata+opini yaaa. itu kan berguna ya buat self reflection (kecuali yang tipe K: Kania namanya A: asik anaknya) yaudah udah ditetapkan mau minta org isi orgi aja selama liburan ini.

duh mati gaya total. mau nyampah di twitter juga gatau mau nyampah apa

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

drink down that gin and kerosene

i TOTALLY okay with guy that drink and smoke. it's a choice. one thing i hate, which is not the sin thing, is i totally hate see people (especially people that you care) looks stupid. stupidly drunk, stupidly blabber about things they shouldn't have said, stupidly groping&groped. twice, being disappointed in people. please, don't boast about you'd rather stay out of love and living the one night stand life than stay with one people. AND, suddenly this guy, turns out stupidly drunk and i can't keep it cooooool cos i can't help reminded about one of said fellow. oh yes, and i'm open to any kind of lifestyle. but please keep it smart, people i love