Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


1. open up
2. socialize more
3. take any chances and opportunity. don't say NO because you (I, why I use you?) feel like "naaaaah enghhhhhhhhh" goes to number 1 again: open up
4. WHEN THERE'S A WILL, WORK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. show emotions. why I always keep things to myself?? what's the use??? *tampar*
6. be a hardworking one (look up to your idol! HARDWORKING BBS)
7. don't be a gengsi one. show much affection! (but keep it cool.....lol)

after I fulfill this, I hope there's a way to fulfill these wishes too

1. FIRST ROW TICKET FOR SHINEE WORLD CONCERT (and some bonus, like handshakes, hugs (LOL), or kenalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan (this goes wayyyyyy to far)
2. success in early business (ehem, cagewear, ehem)
3. ..................................................(insert happy adjectives here)
4. settle down ahiahaihaihiahiahaihihaihaihaiahiahiahiahiahiahiahiahiahaihaihaihai

enghhhhhhhhhhh. bad wishes. what's that


HAVE YOU EVER...............

after a good day, you take a long way home alone. then you suddenly feel really miserable. there's even a pang, a big hole, in your chest. you didn't know exactly what it is. but it's really makes your face turns :( even worse, when you feel like you wanna spill it out, it turns :""""""""""""""""""(

and you didn't even know what is, so you can't share it to your close ones.


EVEN WORSE, you can't just cry it out like that. because you sleep in a share room with your sister.

oh well, let's smile to this .gif that tells you to smile :)))))))))))))

T: come on bibirnya tarik, senyum. up up up! (y)

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

left my mind in Jakarta, my heart in the future

Random talk- sesuatu yang seru banget ditengah kebosanan. Ngobrol aja gitu ngomongin hal-hal ga penting, atau penting banget tapi menurut orang ga penting diomongin. Apalagi lagi musim hujan gini, a small talk, gettin to know each other, minum bandreks (ga deng), rasanya jd one precious moment di tengah kejengahan P. Art (mata kuliah performance art, fyi isi kuliahnya cuma lo jadi murid High School Musical atau Glee).

OR, nonton film di pojok kelas pas ujan2

terus lagi ada satu permainan nih, namanya permainan "wawancara mendalami kehidupan orang". ya intinya cuma nanya2 pertanyaan yang biasanya jarang ada di konversasi, ya biar kenal lebih dalem aja.

terus kata Niki, dia lagi pengen bgt keluar dari semua ini, jengah. Badannya disini tapi pikirannya di tempat lain. Ke sweet getaway gitu (kaya taemin aja). Retweet Niki bgt, pengen ke tempat jauuuuh, atau at least, Jakarta.

ada yang ngerasa gini ga? jadi lo lagi di suatu tempat, lagi ngelakuin sesuatu. tapi pikiran lo ga pernah bisa ada di satu tempat itu. pikiran lo terus2an bikin rencana buat masa depan. se-exciting apapun, se menyenangkan apapun hari itu, tetep aja mikirnya ke depan terus. impactnyaaaaa, jadi ga total ngelakuin apa yang dikerjain sekarang.

enghhhhhhhhhh thanks god minggu depan minggu tenang \m/